Extra Credit Reading Notes: Francis and Thomas Jataka Tales

The Judas-Tree

- The Brahamadatta of the king of Benares had four sons
- One day they came to him and said that they wanted to see the Judas-tree
- He agreed but took them each at different times
- He took the oldest son when the buds were just sprouting from the stem
- He took the second when the leaves were green
- He took the third when the flowers were blossoming
- He took the last when it was bearing fruit

- Afterwards, the four brothers were talking about what kind of tree the Judas-tree was
- They all came up with totally different things and got very confused, so they went to talk to their father
- he explained that they all saw the tree at different times of the year

"The Judas-tree" Jataka Tales, by H.T. Francis and E.J. Thomas


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