Introduction to a wannabe traveler

Hi! My name is Hannah Cherry. I am a senior and an International Studies major, and I'm graduating this spring. Honestly I'm not 100% sure where I'm going to be after I graduate which is only a little bit terrifying considering that's in five months, but everyone keeps saying that's fine so I'm trying to convince myself it is. The ~coolest~ part of my major is that it was a requirement for me to study abroad, so I spent last fall doing semester at sea, where I had the most amazing opportunity to sail across the globe on a boat and go to ten different countries. We embarked in Germany and from there we went to Spain, Ghana, South Africa, India, Myanmar, Vietnam, China, Japan, and Hawaii before we disembarked in San Diego. Through this I caught a travel bug and have found myself always wanting to go explore somewhere (my roommates and I are actually flying to New York City tomorrow morning). My dream would to be able to travel to different countries on a ~somewhat~ regular basis. This class honestly kind of stuck out to me because I've been to India before and it was so cool and I took a class about religion in India before, where I was briefly introduced to many of the Indian Epics.

In my free time I really love to cook. I wouldn't say that I'm a chef by any means, but I grew up always helping my mom and grandma in the kitchen, no matter how big or small, so it has become something that I truly enjoy doing. I don't necessarily like follow recipes, I like to get ideas from recipes and tweak them a little bit with flavors and ingredients to make them my own. But I have the biggest sweet tooth in the whole world and I always use the same exact chocolate chip cookie recipe my mom got from one of her friends growing up.


  1. Yes! Cape Town!! I went there two summers ago and MAN, that was a beautiful place! I saw your picture in your Favorite Places post as well and I want to go back so bad. I don't think we were able to climb Lion's Head, but we climbed Table (which overlooks Lion's Head?). It was definitely a climb. The world is such a big place, and I also have that travel bug. So cool to meet you, Hannah!

  2. Hello Hannah!

    When did you know you wanted to be an International Studies major? What did you want to be when you were little?
    I'm a social studies education major so the idea of not knowing what I'll be doing after college is 100% unrelatable. I will for sure be in some middle school, somewhere.
    Do you watch any cooking shows? My boyfriend and I are currently working through season 18 of Hells Kitchen and I just finished the most recent Master Chef.
    Are those your favorite dessert? and do you like icing?

  3. Hi Hannah! I am very jealous of your trip you took across Europe. I hope to travel across the continent for a few months someday! The cookie recipe sounds really good! Hopefully you'll make me some cookies sometime! I also enjoy cooking and will cook with my little sister. She calls me her assistant chef, but I like to think I am the main one! your class mate Alex

  4. Hey Hannah! Maybe I need to switch to International Studies. The traveling experience you had sounds amazing. Are you ready to go back and explore new countries? What part of Germany did you travel to? I lived there for a few years and it is such a beautiful country! I hope you continue your dream and travel to even more countries. That sounds like such an exciting and unforgettable time.

  5. Oh wow, this is the first time I have heard about this OU study-at-sea opportunity, Hannah: that sounds beautiful! I will be glad if this class can help you reflect back on your existing Indian connection... and maybe plot and plan for future Indian connections-to-come. When I came to OU, the International Studies program was just that, a program. Seeing it become a College of its own has been really exciting! I am dismayed at all the things going on right now, but the force of international studies cannot be stopped, no matter what: we are part of a very big world, and the more we connect with that world and learn about it, the more worthy we will be of the name "university" -- and we are lucky that there are so many students who want to take advantage of the chance to put International Studies at the heart of their education. The whole world awaits you!

  6. Hey Hannah, nice to meet you! I can't really express how jealous I am that you got to sail to so many beautiful places! I understand the travel bug, I got it when my family took a trip to Greece when I was in middle school. One of my personal dreams is to live on every continent before I settle down somewhere. I'm majoring in vocal performance so essentially if things go as planned I'll be traveling from one opera house to another, performing all over the globe! I also have a huge sweet tooth and I've found that one of my favorite things to do when I travel is find local bakeries to try pastries and treats from other cultures!

  7. Hey Hannah, that is awesome that you enjoy cooking! I myself love to do it, and although I could never become a professional chef, I always grew up knowing that I really enjoyed it and dreamed of being like a restaurant owner. I think International Studies is a great major, my best friend is majoring in that as well. She loves it and it will allow you to do so much with it!!

  8. Hi Hannah~
    I'm happy to see a fellow student studied abroad. It's really the greatest thing and I wish more people at OU got the chance to do it. I can talk about my study abroad experience with anyone at anytime, it left such an amazing impression on me. Chocolate chip cookies are my go to number one favorite dessert. They are simple and delicious. I wish I had a tried and tested recipe to use though, I am always trying new recipes (I have to follow a recipe for everything I do) to find the perfect choco chip cookie. If you want to share your recipe let me know(:

  9. Hey Hannah! Oh my gosh you sailed to ten different countries that sounds insanely cool!!! I think every major should have that requirement! I had no idea that was a requirement for international studies. I love to travel but I usually travel to national parks and things like that but eventually I am sure I will go to some of the more traditional destinations like NYC and Chicago and so forth.

  10. Hi Hannah,

    I think that it is so cool your major allows you to travel to such any amazing places. I love to travel but I have bad motion sickness. I understand you when you said you didn't know what to really do after graduation. I don't know what I am doing either but I just like my major and the classes so I am playing it by ear.I too have a big sweet tooth but it is more geared towards sweet drinks than desserts.

  11. Hi Hannah!

    Wow that is incredible that you had the opportunity to visit so many amazing places in such a short amount of time! I have never been out of the country so I have some serious catching up to do! So cool that you enjoy cooking! I am amazed that you are at the cooking level where you can tweak recipes without burning your house down because I feel like if I altered anything in a recipe I don't know enough to not make it a complete disaster! Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  12. Hello Hannah! That is awesome that you’re an International studies major. I thought about majoring that during my freshman year. I did not know you were required to study abroad, which is awesome! I honestly enjoy traveling too. I traveled to 4 different countries during my summer break! I wish you the best of luck on school and traveling!

  13. Hi Hannah!
    I am so jealous that you have traveled and visited so many different places? Which place has been the most enjoyable to you?
    I hope you have/had a good time in New York! I have tons of family and family friends that live in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Long Island, so I have been quite a few times to visit. I always spend too much money and too much food, but hey, when you're walking around that much, you deserve to eat all the food hahaha!

  14. Hey Hannah! I am also an International Studies major :) How incredible that you got to travel to so many different countries during your trip! Did you have a favorite among the ones you visited? I studied abroad in Spain during the summer and must admit I caught the same "travel bug." I hope to visit many more places! Best of luck finishing the semester and for the journey ahead!

  15. Hannah,

    It is great to meet you. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and all of your accomplishments. I am extremely jealous that you have been able to travel to so many unique places! I would definitely like to do that someday. I have always wanted to visit London. I also have some anxiety about graduating, as I will graduate in the Fall. I think things will always work out and we will continue to have a new adventure to embark on. I hope you continue to go places that allow you to travel more!

  16. Hannah it was great getting to know you some through your introduction post. I’m graduating in the spring as well and understand that it can be a challenging and scary time. That sounds like a blast that you had to study abroad. It almost seems like you were forced to go on vacation in a way and learning all this cool stuff was just secondary to what you were doing. Good luck to you on your future endeavors!

  17. Hey Hannah, that trip you took sounds absolutely amazing! I'm a bit of a world explorer myself, Im headed to Italy this summer to do a music program in Verona! I also really want to regularly travel, which is part of the reason I chose to study classical music over musical theater. It opens the door for me to perform and live in places like Italy, France, and Germany! I grew up cooking with my dad and my grandma so I understand how that love of the kitchen can stick with you from childhood. It was really good getting to know you better!

  18. Hey Hannah,
    That’s amazing that you are going to be graduating this semester. I can’t imagine how you prepare for that. Also, it is really cool that you went of a study abroad trip. I wanted to do study abroad when I came to OU, but I have been unable to fit it into my schedule. I also love to travel as well. My favorite place to travel is definitely India. Anyway, have a great rest of the semester.

  19. Hi Hannah! I know exactly how you feel about graduating this May (It's in less than a month now!!). The thought is terrifying but exciting at the same time. I mean, We're almost done with classes and we'll be getting a degree! I'm probably going to graduate school afterwards, so I will still have some classes but I'll also get to work in the field that interests me. I'm glad you got to study abroad! I saw it was part of the IS major when I was deciding my major freshman year, and I thought that was super cool. Germany is currently at the top of my list for countries I want to visit. I've studied German for a couple of years now, and I think it would be an amazing experience - especially during Christmas time! Good luck!

  20. Hi Hannah!
    First of all how freaking cool that you were forced to do a semester abroad!! I completely picked the wrong major! I have a few friends who have also done semesters at sea and it truly sounds like an incredible experience. To literally be about to travel the world and establish a new community like the one you are at sea with is amazing. I also love to cook and how to pursue it more as I get older. I am actually cooking right now! Very nice to meet you and I hope you have been able to figure out a little more of what you want to do in a couple weeks!

  21. Hey Hannah, Wow that is the coolest thing ever!! How did you like the at sea part? I don't know how I would feel being at sea that long but I do like all those countries to go visit. I got to travel to Spain for the summer which was amazing and I loved every second of it. I highly recommend people travel abroad, especially if you love to travel. Hope the update on the future is going well! We only have a couple more weeks til we graduate, whoo!

  22. Hey Hannah!
    I am studying abroad this summer, and while I was looking at options, I saw the semester at sea option. It made me wish I had time to take off so I could do it. It is such a neat program. You go so many places! One of my friends is going next fall, and he is so excited. I am so glad some people have that opportunity!

  23. Hey Hannah,
    Wow that is so cool that it is a requirement to travel abroad for your major. I was shook when you said you spent last semester at the sea. That is so exciting. I know you do not know exactly what you want to do yet in the future, but I hope you get to go on more fun adventures.
    Your classmate,

  24. Hey Hannah,
    I think it is amazing and I am so jealous that you have been to India! Did you go for school reasons? What was your favorite part? Also, I admire that you love to cook. I only cook when I have to because I am not the biggest fan. It strange because I love to do science experiments which a similar to cooking.

  25. Hi Hannah! It is cool you got to go to that many countries so quickly! I also love travelling and keep wanting to go somewhere. I especially want to do visit Thailand, Australia, and Africa at some point. I graduate in May and I too am just figuring it all out- so you are not the only one! I'm trying to cook more now but it is sometimes hard with my busy schedule. Hopefully this some I can get some recipes. Good luck!!

  26. Hey Hannah!
    Really cool that you had the chance to take part in the semester at sea programme! I really wish I'd had the chance to study abroad (even though being in the US technically is abroad for me haha), and I think it's an important experience. Is there anywhere else in particular you'd like to visit? It was nice to meet you!

  27. I'm extremely jealous that you got to go on such an amazing trip that you'll probably remember for the rest of your life. I've been wanting to study abroad myself but I felt the coursework in study abroad programs would take away from me enjoying the locations so I vowed to save up and go after I graduate. I wish I knew how to cook better, I think I'm just lazy because I've had many opportunities to try to learn more...


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