Week 8 Progress

1. Looking Back

I think that my progress for the class is going really well so far. This past week I missed the end of the week assignments because I was out of town and thought there was a grace period until Monday at noon, but that was my mistake. Other than that I feel like I am doing pretty well. I usually try and get some stuff done on Monday depending on whether or not I have work, and then usually get the rest done in little bits throughout the week. However if I have a busy week I sometimes do all of the end of the week assignments on Sunday night.

The extra credit option that I have utilized the most is the extra blog comments. I do these because I think it's cool to get to know people through their blogs and then see how they appear through their stories. However, last week, I did a tech tips assignment and I really enjoyed it, so I think that I'll keep doing that, in addition to trying a new one each week (since I got kind of behind this past week).

2. Looking Forward

I think that for the rest of the semester, it would really benefit me if I try to do at least one assignment every day, instead of waiting until the deadline to get it all done. I can never really decide I'm more of a procrastinator or if I usually work ahead... I honestly go back and forth. I also got some comments about confusion of the introduction of my website so I think I need to work on that a little bit, but other than that I am satisfied with how everything is going.


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