Reading Notes: Jataka Tales Part B

The Elephant and the dog:

- The king had an elephant
- A dog that lived nearby would come to the elephant's stable to take what was lefft of his food when he was done
-the dog and the elephant became friends
- they ate, slept, and played together all the time
- one day a farmer offered to buy the dog and the elephant's keeper said yes
- the farner took the dog away
- the elephant was sad and refused to eat or bathe because he missed his friend so much
- The king figured out what was happening and when he was told that no one knew where the farmer lived, he sent word all over the country that he needed the dog back and would pay the farmer what he paid for the dog
- when the farmer heard word of this he let the dog loose and he ran as fast as he could back to the stable
- when he arrived the elephant was so happy he picked up the dog with his truck and put him on his head
- the two lived happily ever after

"More Jataka Tales" Ellen C. Babbitt


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