Reading Notes: Jataka Tales Part A

The Golden Goose:

-A Goose with golden feathers decides sees that a woman that he lives near and her two daughters are struggling to make ends meet
- He decides to offer the family his feathers to sell so they can live in comfort, but he only gives one every now and then
-The Goose's plan works and the family lives in comfort
- The mother is reluctant to trust the goose because she fears that he will never come back, so she proposes to take all of his feathers the next time he came
-The daughters did not agree because they didn't want to hurt the goose, but the mother did it anyways
-When the mother plucks the feathers they turn white because the feathers only stay gold if he picks them willingly. The feathers grow back white as well
- The goose flew away and never came back

Bibliography: "More Jataka Tales" Ellen C. Babbitt


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