Learning Challenge: Learn about sleep

An Underappreciated Key to College Success: Sleep

I thought that this article was super interesting. Sleep and the importance of it is something that is commonly discussed in college, so the overall argument, as well as some of the specific facts and recommendations I knew of prior to reading this article. However, one thing that I learned that I thought was SO interesting was that after 16 hours awake brain function starts to decline, and after 20 hours you perform as if legally drunk. It makes complete sense, but I had no idea the extent of the severity of the issue.

Sleep is something that I personally highly prioritize. I feel like some people can function somewhat normally while sleepy (to a certain extent, obviously), but I become absolutely delusional if I get too tired. I feel like whether I get a good night's rest or not affects my entire day and how well I function and can focus. There are definitely nights where I stay up late doing homework or wake up before the sun comes up to get an early start, but I think that overall my sleep schedule is pretty good and is one of my top priorities.


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