Week 2 Reading Overview

After looking through the factors of the two different versions of the Ramayana, I have decided that the Public Domain option is better for me. I am a visual learner, so having illustrations will be super helpful in my understanding of the stories. I also think that having audio and lots of notes and links will help in supplementing the text since it is "old fashioned language".

There are so many different options of comic strips to look through it was hard to choose, but one that stuck out to me was Prabhavati. Because of classes that I have taken and experiences in India, I have the most background knowledge of Krishna. This story in particular is very interesting to me because it also involves Indra, who I know a little about as well.

Another comic strip that stuck out to me was the Monkey Stories. This may seem a little bit silly but I honestly just loved the fact that the story is primarily about monkeys living in a mango grove. I also have always been a huge fan of folktales, which is what initially brought me to this story in particular.

One of the videos I thought was very interesting was The Story of Diwali. When I was on Semester at Sea we celebrated Diwali because we had several students from India on board with us. It was really cool to hear their stories about their families and friends celebrating Diwali at home.

Another video that stuck out to me was the Crash Course episode of Rama and the Ramayana. I use crash course a lot to help me fully understand a topic in a class that I am having a hard time grasping. I think that it is super helpful, I love all of the illustrations and they do a great job explaining everything.


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