Time Strategies

time management clock: pixabay

I think that one thing I can confidently say about myself is that I am very organized. In everything. My room is always clean, I have a planner for my school work, and I have various apps that I regularly use to keep track of everything else that I need to do. However, there is definitely room for improvement. I stress about getting my homework done, but I also tend to procrastinate.

So, I think the schedule I have for this semester works perfectly for me. It allows me to divide up the different assignments each week into sections to keep it more organized, as well as getting it done relatively early in the week so I'm not waiting until last minute and if I have extra time later in the week I can do work for the upcoming week if I know that one will be busier or do some extra credit.

With all of this in mind, I decided to read "Myth of 'Too Busy" and "Psychology of Checklists." Both of these articles were super interesting to me because I think they apply to me and my way of thinking very well. I use checklists for everything. They are the key things that help me to stay organized and keep me from forgetting things (I can be forgetful sometimes). Also, I tend to get stressed about school easily and I feel so satisfied when I can check things off of a list. With several different components to this class, I think that keeping a weekly checklist will help me get everything finished in a timely manner.

The "Myth of 'Too Busy" article was super interesting to me because the word combination "so busy" is used heavily in my vocabulary. There are definitely ways that I could and should prioritize my time more, and this article definitely helped me change my mindset about managing my time better for things that matter more.


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